These books were read and reviewed by the members of our Book Bites Club. Kids in grades 4-8 are invited to meet on Thursdays at 4:30 PM.
Review by Hannah
A girl named Sal's mother left on a vacation to try and find herself, but ended up dying in a bus crash. This story follows Sal as she comes to terms with the fact of her mother's death. I liked this book because it's a really fun story.
Review by Paige
Alex needs to go into the Underworld to find out how she can stop Seth from connecting to her. My favorite character is Alex because she is funny and is a semi-strong character. I liked this book because the main character was funny as was the rest of the characters.
Review by Tori
A wonderful book on "Women, work and the will to lead." This feminist book not only recounts the authors personal experience with prejudice but also gives research data on injustice against women. The word "Feminist" is not the work of bra-burning, man hating women but clarifies prejudice against women. I try to read books that open your mind, this is one of them. I loved this book because it was mind opening.